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Yoon's Diplomacy with Kishida and Biden(4)


One step to Korean War 2.0 and Two steps to Hot Sino-American War?


Dr. Joseph H. Chung (정희수), Professor of Economics in Montreal (UQAM)


(지난 호에 이어)


He also made this statement:" The Status quo of Taiwan should not be changed by force." This implies that China should not attack Taiwan, which is, in fact, the fixe aircraft carrier at the front door of China threatening China.


This surely pleased Biden, because China has one more enemy and the U.S. has one more anti-China friend. But, the cost which must be borne by ROK is terribly high. ROK has never had made deficit for decades. Now it has huge trade deficit mounting tens of billions of U.S. dollars due to undeclared Chinese trade sanctions against ROK.


Korean Companies' Investments in the U.S.


Biden has adopted policies designed to promote strategic foreign investments in the territory of the U.S. These policies consist in preventing the inflow of these investments to China on the one hand, and on the other, encouraging or forcing the flow of these investments into the U.S.


Already, Korean firms have invested or will invest USD 100 billion including Hyundai's investments in electric cars and Samsungs investments in semiconductors. American firms' investments in Korea are no more than a few billions of USD invested by Netflix.


Despite such huge investments by Korean firms, to the dismay of Koreans, no Korean firms are qualified for tax incentives provided by virtue of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) or the CHIP & Science Act (CSA). Thus, as far as the strategic technology investments are concerned, the U.S. is a big winner and ROK is a poor loser.


Moreover, to the disappointment of Koreans, Washington forces the Koreans firms not to export semiconductors to China, while the American firms can. For instance, China forbids the U.S. firm, Micron Technology Inc. to sell their semiconductors in China, thus leading to the supply gap. Washington forbids Korean firms to fill the gap.


Here is what the Washington Declaration said about IAR and CSA.


"The two presidents committed to continue close consultation with a view to assuring these Acts (IRA and CSA) encouraging mutual beneficial corporate investments in the United States by creating predictable conditions for business activities." (Washington Declaration)


The most amazing part of this bizarre statement is the fact that "mutual beneficial investments" are limited to the U.S., ROK is not mentioned. But, stupid Yoon signed it. Angry Koreans are asking if Yoon is really the president of South Korea.


ROK Integration into Japan-U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy(IPS)


Yoon and Biden signed a new international framework that strengthens U.S.-ROK development cooperation and "beyond."  I presume that the "beyond" means ROK's eventual participation in Washington's self-proclaimed mission of destroying China.


What Biden has in mind is to bring ROK into a trilateral military alliance among Japan, Korea and the U.S. (JKUS).


The JKUS can be established through the bilateral military alliance between Japan and ROK. The military ROK-U.S. relation is not military alliance, but military partnership. On the other hand, Japan-U.S. military relation is alliance. Therefore, in this way, the JKUS military alliance becomes possible.



Japan-Korea-U.S. Military Alliance (JKUS)


Although it is not included in the Washington Declaration (WD), the joining of ROK in the JKUS was Biden's most rewarding fruit of the Yoon-Biden summit.


Biden knows that Quad or AUKUS forces are not strong enough for the destruction of China. ROK is 6th world military power so that the access to ROK forces is a valuable acquisition for Biden.


As for Japan, JKUS allows Japan to land on the Korean soil in case of conflict with North Korea and the imperialist Japanese conservatives may attempt to re-conquer Korea and realize its dream for the restoration of its second East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.


Thus, Kishida and Biden have well defined reasons for having the JKUS. But, it is tough to guess why Yoon wants to join the alliance.


Yoon should know that ROKs joining the trilateral alliance means Harakiri death of the unification of the Korea race, total destruction of its economy and, most likely the end of Korea as a nation.


Then, why? My answer is: "Because, the U.S. is God " Yoon thinks that Whatever Washington does is good.


3.2 Biden's Gift to Yoon


As we saw, Yoon has given a lot of goodies to Biden. These goodies are terribly expensive; indeed, it can destroy Korea as a nation. So, Biden should have given Yoon a nice and expensive gift which was asked by Yoon.


The gift asked by Yoon was JKUS which would protect his government, his family and his friends of pro-Japan corrupted conservatives from South Koreans and North Koreans.


Yoon has many reasons to be afraid of South Koreans. Since he became president, he applied the worst form of neo-liberalism giving billions of dollars worth of tax credits and grants to big corporations, deeply cutting budget for people's welfare, killing 158 children in Itaewon, violating freedom of press, arresting innocent people and, above all, allowing his wife's interference in governmental actions under the influence of "mudang" (fortune teller).


Imagine this. Now, people call Mrs. Yoon as president and Yoon as the president's husband.


South Koreans have had enough with Yoon, his wife and his government.  Several millions of South Koreans have been going down to the streets and shout "Impeach Traitor Yoon!" "Put Lee Gun-hee to prison!" Lee Gun-hee is Yoon's wife.


Under such circumstance, it is normal that he is seeking the political and even physical protection from the angry South Korean people. But, I am not sure how Kishida or Biden can protect Yoon.


However, the worst enemy for Yoon is North Korea. It is possible that the world thinks that all South Koreas are afraid of North Korea. On the country, most of South Koreans do not consider North Koreans as their enemies, because they are their brothers and sisters.


As pointed out above Yoon is the leader of the corrupted pro-Japan traitors, while North Korea's society is composed of the descendents of patriots who fought against the Japanese rulers. (다음 호에 계속)




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