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Memory lane



 Cello is the bass instrument of the violin family, the closest to the human voice.

 More than ¼ century ago, I was falling love with that instrument, which I never forget.


 The first time, I find a cello which is standing corner of my daughter's room, I just simply pick up the cello and changed strings, bought a new baw, and a new carry bag, find the instructor, and bought a beginner book which the teacher write for me. After that, I never look back for 5 years, through that time, I find a famous, very much gifted cellist who is British, Jacquelin du Pre, yet she died in 1987, only 42 years old from complications of multiple sclerosis. After that, her husband who is a pianist, as well as very famous in British who was Edward Edgar, later wrote a biography of his wife, Jacquelin. Based on that book, they made a movie that I happened to watch by myself.


 She played cello so passionately, her long hair frying, making the audience feel extraordinary.

During watching the movie, I cried myself, and the day when she died all day the British, radio played

 her music, and the wind and rain come down like a storm, in the movie.

 After that, I bought a cassette tape of her cello music, I still kept her tape.



 After that, I happened to like YoYo Ma, so much, I even bought a ticket when he came to Toronto, Roy Thompson Hall.

 Yet, for 5 years I practiced diligently, and joined Junior Orchestra, X mas time, we even went to a nursing home to play X-mas carol. However the sound of my cello never clearly came, and I was kind of disappointed myself, one day my husband told me why I want to spend so hard time trying to play the cello, just listening to some other musician player will give me more pleasure, that was the last time I played cello.


 After that, I did not pay any attention for a long time, since the other hobby that I picked them up gave me more happiness. Not too long ago, I listened to music on YouTube and watched a young man playing cello almost like Jacquline's style and his cello music was so sweet, and attentive, from that moment, I keep listening to his cello music for almost 5 hours a day, his name is Stjepan Hauser, a Croatian cellist, who plays popular classical pop music that is better for me to listen, to does not give me any stress, and sometimes makes me think about my old memories.


 The last time when he played the music from" God Father" written by Mario Puzo, they made a movie that was famous as his book. I just remembered when we visited Cicily, Italy. Since we used to live in Italy a long time ago, this time, we will visit ourselves, not as a group. Since we could speak Italian, we just take an airplane and arrived at the airport, took a train to go to Rome, terminal, and from there we took a taxi to go to Korean Embassy to ask old friends how we could get in touch with. It is a small community so, the Embassy knows most of the people who lived a long time in Italy. Since we left Italy more than 40 years ago, still we could meet old friends and have dinner and talk a lot of olden days.  

There we asked them how we could go to Cicily Island, they arranged for us to go to Naples first and spend one night there, the next morning, we took a ferry boat to go there. From there, we took the bus to go to a different city, with no destination simply visited a small town and even went to see the location of the place where they made God Father movies, church, museum, and ice cream shop, it was really free spirit travel. After that, we took a train which start at night time from Cicily, without change to the ship, the train get into the ship, the next morning when we woke up, we are in Milano.


 After touring the Milano which the city was very busy with conventions, we took a train to go south, to Florence, Pisa, after touring a few more cities, we arrived in Rome again, and spend a couple of more days for touring, after that we came back to Toronto. When we lived in Italy in 1969, we were very poor, because my husband was a student and I have to look after our son who was born in Rome, we could not afford to make a trip before leaving for Canada.


At that time 4 my husband's friends were studying, now they are all gone to heaven. I guess I lived enough in this world.

 When I visit his resting place, memory garden, and look at his grave, really his soul went to heaven or not? I wonder.




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