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Memory, memory, memory


A couple of days ago, my friend asked me to have some fun in my life.

I told her that one of my fun that enjoying my time is reading books, and so far I am reading 3 kinds of books in a day. The first book is "If Tomorrow Comes" written by Sidney Sheldon to kill time, the second book is "Jack Reacher, Blue Moon " written by Lee Child for fun or relaxation, and the third kind of book is to learn knowledge or want to study, that book is titled "On Equilibrium" written by John Ralston Saul.


I enjoy very much all those books when I choose to read any time of day.

I am very lucky to live in a condominium where the place has liberally which has a really good collection of books donated by residents who do not have enough space in their unit, so they keep it in the library.

Even at midnight, if we want to visit there to choose a book to read, that place is available.


Yet, especially, I have been reading and again reading the book which is On Equilibrium by John Ralston Saul who is a Canadian author and was listed as a National #1 Bestseller.


From that book, I was really interested in the memory section of what he wrote about.


This word is what he wrote, memory is not the past. It is the water we swim through, the words we speak, our gestures, our expectations.

Without memory, we do not have the ability to shape our thinking and our actions in a balanced way.


Now, some of us are getting old and we lose memory every day, it seems, that is very important in our lives and the main concern with our health. He wrote that without memory there is a vacuum.

That is why any person who lost a memory, life has to depend on the other's help.


There should be no contradiction between knowledge and memory. Even scholars who lose their memory can not teach anything in this world. Yet, creativity is the greatest weapon of memory. So, artists or writers will benefit from their ability to create more than the average person who has less.


Memory is there not to imprison us in the past, but to free us from the traps of habit. We should not have too much indulgence of the past.

We do remember a great deal, that we think furthermore we wish to, that carried off into dead ends of false recollection.

Because false memory comes in many forms that could make us confused about the present situation.


Once time passes, we should not regret what we did unless from the past if we learn something positive and choose not to repeat the same thing again, that will help.


Memory is indeed an expression of context. And as such it is the key to our ability to act in a conscious manner, in a responsible manner, in an awareness of the other.


(the first week of October.)



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