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Calamity- Disaster


This week I like to write about Calamity, some other way of saying Disaster which could be brought about by nature or man-made disasters.

 Nature's calamities, like floods, storms, and earthquakes caused by Earth's natural processes that lead to environmental degradation and loss of life, cannot do anything about that, yet, even developing countries are suffering less than poor countries suffering.


 Calamity brought a big tragedy to people and a great loss of economics, in rich countries, their loss could be minimized by quick help from the government or neighbors, yet, in poor countries, people will get less help from the government, or in neighboring countries people suffer bigger and extended.

 Besides developed countries have more tools for forecasting Satellites and weather bureaus, predict and develop weather models that help to predict the weather, and people could have time to move to safe areas or more preparation against such disasters.


 Yet, the bigger problems of disasters made by man-made ones, especially big companies like AT&T, 3M could lead to lawsuits, that cause environmental issues related to toxins that are harmful to human beings, are bigger problems as well.

 These lawsuits are the only ones I know about, yet, there could be so many companies involved that I do not know.


 AT&T is among the largest telecommunication companies in the world today, getting filed against the Government overcharging to the customer, the company's founders, one of the people we know who is very famous Alexander Graham Bell, oversharing's charge seems less important to me than the charge related to the environmental issue which is a toxic lead wire that the company used to connect the telephone system under the river to manage work easier than digging underground, cost-effective bringing more profits to the company.


 Now, the wire gets rusted bringing the toxic lead into the rivers, and the length of the wire which the company used is longer that around the earth twice in length.

 Since getting advice from the news, the investor is not investing in that company, their share price is never going up.

 Another very famous company, 3M facing lawsuits from over 100,000 military veterans who allege hearing damage from defective foam earplugs that the company sold to the U.S. military.


 A more important lawsuit is 3M company "Forever Chemicals" contaminating water supplies that will cost more than 10.3 billion dollars to the company, now Wall Street saying uninvestable company that after paying out that kind of money to the lawsuits, not much has any value in the company.

 This year, because of Global warming caused wildfires in the western area that caused the trees to be destroyed.


 Even damaging crops and good soil turn into uncultivatable soil, with knowing or without, it is hard to calculate the damage done to this earth and our food supplies.

 Fortunately, we who live in the province of Ontario suffered less or almost nothing compared to other provinces.


 I could say that we had less sunshine and more rain, yet, nothing big damage was done to our crops either.

 I harvested winter wheat not too long ago. The yearning was a bit less than last year, and the price was a bit less than last year, otherwise, I felt happy to produce such crops for our human being's consumption as a farmer.

(the end of August)




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